050043, ALMATY, BOSTANDYK DISTRICT, MKR. ORBIT 4, d. 6, of. 98

Oil Refining

+7 702 601 21-65
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Oil Refining

PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery’s a private mini crude oil refinery in Russia with the highest industrial standard and cutting-edge technologies on conversion and reforming capabilities, for processing heavy crude oils and producing a variety of high-value petroleum products.

Our refining resources are concentrated from the following regions in Russia; Western Siberia, Far East, Southern and the continental shelf of Russia. All refined petroleum products that are sold, marketed or supplied under the “PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery” brand are of Russian GOST specifications and in full compliance with the Technical Regulation of Customs Union Commission dated 10/18/2011 No. 826.
PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery are constantly expanding and putting in place, new custom built catalyst production facilities, developing unique Western innovative technologies and modernization of the petrochemical plant. The refinery’s current refining capabilities are 254,670 barrels of crude oil per day competing with state owned mini oil refineries in the region.
The company plays a significant role in supplying refined products in Russia and the global market through our extensive integrated pipelines, terminals, tugboats and barges to maximize distributions and operating efficiency to meet the ever growing demands of our customers.
PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery oil and gas company are one of the privately owned mini-refinery in Russia with high efficiency capabilities in terms of hydrocarbon processing and supplying the Russia market of a total volume of 0.01%, We have been implementing a significant large scale advanced programs with private contractors to improve profitable operations and reliability of the facilities to be fit for the future.
The company are committed to protecting the communities and environment, in where we carry out all our operations, The company regularly carries out upgrades and safety based systems in the refinery, designed to help prevent injuries during operations and improve safety levels in production.
The range of primary petroleum products produced at the refinery and chemical plant includes Gasoline, Diesel fuel, Lubricants, Aromatic hydrocarbons and Bitumen, Marine fuels, Heavy fuel oil (Mazut 75,99,100), Jet fuel (Jp54, JpA1, TS-1, Paraffin, Wax, Acetone, Ethylene oxide and Glycols, Nonene, Phenol, Polyols, Propylene glycols and Oxide and other
chemical products and a range of Liquefied natural gas.


To:254,670Refined crude daily.

PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery mini-refinery invest heavily every year on installations of additional custom built modules units to increase its refining process as much as; 100,450 to 254,670 barrels of crude oil per day on economic and environmental considerations with Isomalk-2 technology which gave the refinery to organize the production of grade fuels 4 to grade 5 fuels.

Crude oil production

Crude oil – In ancient times people have extracted crude oil from the surface of earth and water, which was fairly in use after the 19th century, kerosene safety lamp was invented and the need of oil sky rocket. In this period combustion engine was invented and the development of automobile industry, which the demands rapidly grew for gasoline products to provide possibility of rapid transportation (by land, sea and air).

Crude oil production in Russia was steadily growing since the early 2000s and in recent years the growth has slowed down and in 2008 there was even a slight decline of growth. In 2010 oil production in Russia has over 500 million tons per year and this level has been rising ever since then.

In 2013 Russia produced 531.4 million tons of crude oil which was 1.3% higher than in 2012.

Russia federation is one of the largest participants of crude oil production in the global market and also the key supplier of Crude oil, Natural gas and petroleum products for European markets and increases of oil supplies to North America and the Asia-Pacific region.

PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery joins the petroleum industry as one of the fastest growing crude oil refinery in Russia with our clients from Asia pacific region, South-America and Europe as our regular clients. The Company are one of the most reliable and trusted refinery for supply of mazut fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, jet fuel kerosene, Bitumen, liquified petroleum gas and natural gas, in Russia and not just because of the flexible terms and competitive prices we offer but high quality grade fuels, even when transporting the finished crude oil products, the quality remains the same.

PETROLEUM SUPPLY KAZAKHSTAN, TOO Refinery’s future ambitions in refinery modernization is to improve, its refining capabilities, production, efficiency and oil refining depth, while reducing the company’s operational costs.

After the authoritative restrictions announcement for the circulation of diesel fuel and gasoline below Euro-5 class in Russia, The refinery was able to partly switched to the production of high quality grade Euro-5 ecological fuel in 2014 and in 2018, was fully ready for high quality grade fuels production, we achieved this because of the refinery’s advanced processing plant, which was ahead of the regulatory requirements deadline in 2016. Most major state owned refineries could not achieve this requirement on time, because of its obsolete processing units.

The company achieved the Euro-5 grade of diesel fuel and gasoline due to the launch of additional plants at the refinery: Isomerization of light naphtha with preliminary hydro-treating of feedstock and a catalytic cracking gasoline hydro-treating unit.

The plant also allowed the processing of light naphtha into a low-sulfur, high-octane gasoline component, also to effectively remove sulfur from catalytic cracking gasoline with almost no loss in octane performance.

The LCH-24-2000 diesel fuel hydro-treatment unit was also reconstructed, which made it possible to further reduce the sulfur content in the hydro-treated product. Additional, new gas fractionation unit (HFC-2) was commissioned. At the new facility a clear rectification of sulfur-purified hydrocarbon gases generated as by-products at the plant’s facilities has become possible.

REFINERY’S THROUGHPUT VOLUMES FROM 2017 – 2019 2019 2020 2021
Feedstock processing, mln t 5.892 6.420 7.761
Petroleum products output, mln t 6.092 6.692 7.000
Gasolines mln t 4.463 5.009 5.773
Diesel fuel, mln t 3.843 3.997 4.192
Jet fuel, mln t 899 1.003 1.373
Fuel oil and vacuum gas oil, mln t 608 784 987
Lubricants and components, mln t 564 699 998
Other products, % 1.223 1.444 1.799
Nelson Index 0.5 0.8 1